Writers -- Professor John Fischle and Bobbe Brooks-Fischle

Feb 12, 2023

No Matter What--We Can Make Life Happen!

Making Life Happen

It was snowing.
Blinding snow.
Deep snow all around.
 Yes a white-out blizzard
With zero visibility.
But these guys ignored mounds of snow and made life happen.
They weren't fearful and they weren't hindered. 
They were determined to live and
Enjoy life regardless of a blizzard.
A lovely young wife, mother and sharp professional confided,
"It feels like we've stepped into a horror movie and can't get out." 
The lovely professional referred to the Pandemic all were enduring.
 I understood how she felt--
Limitations to do this,
Limitations to do that,
Times were changing and
Limitations were disrupting normal living.
She was sick of the sadness and so was I.

Then as the months rolled around and bad news continued.
It was time to celebrate Christmas. 

The usual time for bright lights, decorations, joy 

And lots of yummies and fun with family and friends.

But newscasters announced, "No turkeys this year," 

"Forget the holidays."

Let's all be miserable, Or that's how it sounded. 

Often we thought

Who could enjoy anything with a cloud of misery everywhere?



And some of us were in isolation.

Some family and friends were very sick.

Scariness all around

And sometimes scariness creeped inside of me..

Everybody was sick of allowing others to dictate

How miserable we should be.

Determined to have a fun time with family and friends
And use wisdom at the same time,
Hubs ordered a new fire pit and 
With decorations and bright lights spread over the yard
It looked like a place to have some fun.
Change truly is a choice and
We were determined to have fun and enjoy each other.
With lots of  yummilicious food
We invited the family and 
All ages converged on our backyard.
There was a joy in the air and
Young and old were delighted to be together again.
Soon the joy-filled atmosphere of love spread
With all ages laughing and singing around the fire--
Something we hadn't done in a very long time.
As the fun grew louder and spread over the neighborhood,
A stranger suddenly appeared from a nearby Airbnb.
He chuckled, "I had to see where the beautiful singing 
And laughter was coming from."
When we departed that night
We were amazed at how much fun we all had
Over a simple evening together.

The next day we decided--
We must continue the fun and family bonding.
News reports, 
And the misery of others must not 
Steal our joy and control our happiness.
That night we determined 
Regardless of depressing news and the misery of others.
We would return to living,
Having fun times
And spreading love and joy throughout
Our family
And Others.
Change truly is a choice.
So every other month we plan to meet around our fire pit
And other fun places and enjoy
Family Fun & Escape the Crazy World Night.
 It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. Share this Quote Charles Spurgeon
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/charles-spurgeon-quotes
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. Share this Quote Charles Spurgeon
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/charles-spurgeon-quotes

We need each other--
You, me, our family, friends and 
Tweet-hearts around the globe.
We can make life happen today,
This week,
This year.
As Charles Spurgeon wrote,
 "It is not how much we have, 
but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." 
And that applies today for sure!
No matter what is happening around us,
It doesn't have to control us.
"With God all things are possible" 
(Matthew 19:23).
Beginning today,
Let's make a joy-filled life,
Spreading love through our families,
Neighborhoods and
Make this world a better place!

--Bobbe Brooks-Fischle