Writers -- Professor John Fischle and Bobbe Brooks-Fischle

Oct 19, 2012

The 3 Vital "F's"--Family, Friends and Faith

#1 - Treasure my Family
The 3  vital "F's" of life--family, friends and food.
Yes family and friends are first
But we're usually eating together--
So food is the third "F."
These are just a few of my Treasures--
Jessica A., Jessica H., Ouida, Karen and Angela
Cutting up during a family get together--
Having a bal-l-l-l-l.
That's what families should do,
Enjoy love, laughter and each other.
Yes Family--
The most important treasure of all!

The #2 vital "F" of life--
Mine come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
Who are your dearest friends?

Friends are those people who laugh and cry with us.
Loving us anytime and all the time--
During the good days and bad--
If we're smiling or frowning.

They're always there--
True friends are  as comfortable as a pair of
Cozy house slippers.

One of my dearest Friends
Through the seasons of life
My dear friend and I have
Laughed, hugged and prayed together.
This priceless treasure is now 96 years old.

And the "F" we all enjoy together--Food.
Recently we were surprised
by our #1 Treasures--Family.
Yes David and Beth grilled steaks and Son-in-law
Created the most wonderful Greek salad.

Truly an outpouring of LOVE!

That's what the 3 most important Treasures
Are all about aren't they?
Loving and enjoying life to the max.

And to live life to the max--
I walk and talk with my dearest Friend--
Jesus "...is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

How about you--
Who are your dearest Friends?
And what are your most valued Treasures?