Writers -- Professor John Fischle and Bobbe Brooks-Fischle

Oct 31, 2012

Lessons From A Corn Maze

Photo by Jessica Hanson
Have you ever been stuck
In a corn maze--
Unable to find your way out?
Or how about trapped along the path of life...
This year corn mazes are dotting 
The Colorado prairie lands.
Farmers have turned their corn fields
Into money-making ventures
And families are flocking there for fun.

While it's fun rushing in and out
Up and down
The crooked paths
Of corn rows
It is no fun getting trapped
On the path of life.
Photo by Jessica Hanson

An inspiring example of someone
Who was stuck
And found his way out
Is Dr. Ben Carson.
Dr. Ben Carson
 What a ray of hope and inspiration
He has been for many
Including me.
In "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story"
Dr. Carson encourages:

“Success is determined not by whether or not you face obstacles,
But by your reaction to them.
And if you look at these obstacles as a containing fence,
They become your excuse for failure.
If you look at them as a hurdle,
Each one strengthens you for the next.”
If Dr. Ben Carson
Formerly "the dumbest kid in the class"
Who had mega obstacles in his path
Can find
Peace,purpose and remarkable success--
So can you!

Oct 25, 2012

Magical Chairs of Love, Laughter & Living

                    Our Magical Chairs                
Do you have magical chairs--
A place of peace, pleasure and sometimes
Connecting with others?
For 5 years two red Adirondacks sat in our yard.
If those chairs could speak,
They'd share stories of love, laughter,
And hours and hours of living.
We take breaks from writing and online teaching--
And at times we eat lunch beneath the pines.
Other times family, friends and neighbors
Join us to chat and share.

The red chairs represent slowing down
Sometimes reading and sometimes sharing,
But always loving.

Neighbors wave and we wave back.
We greet children and often strangers walking by.
Sometimes we've felt like neighborhood greeters,
But it 's fun.

Once a lady said, "My little girl wants to sit in your red chairs."
A neighbor emailed, "Could we sit in your chairs and pray?"

Those chairs
Although simple
Have been the happening place--
For laughter, love  and all kinds of things.

Excitedly awaiting my Kindle Fire
Today the chairs are gone.
They were stolen.
                And now I'm praying for someone
I don't know--
The thief. 
To him they're just two red chairs. 
But to us they were much much more.
Like sitting on the front porch was--
In days gone by.

Like opening our windows and doors
And connecting with friends,
And each other.

Try it--I think you'll be surprised.
Slow down,
Sit on the front porch,
Or like us
Out in the yard.

Read, relax and share.
Sometimes smile or wave at passersby.
You'll be touched,
As the love affects you--
And them.

But most of all,
You'll be amazed
That a pair of simple chairs
Become a magic carpet--
To love, laughter and a fuller life.

Oct 19, 2012

The 3 Vital "F's"--Family, Friends and Faith

#1 - Treasure my Family
The 3  vital "F's" of life--family, friends and food.
Yes family and friends are first
But we're usually eating together--
So food is the third "F."
These are just a few of my Treasures--
Jessica A., Jessica H., Ouida, Karen and Angela
Cutting up during a family get together--
Having a bal-l-l-l-l.
That's what families should do,
Enjoy love, laughter and each other.
Yes Family--
The most important treasure of all!

The #2 vital "F" of life--
Mine come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
Who are your dearest friends?

Friends are those people who laugh and cry with us.
Loving us anytime and all the time--
During the good days and bad--
If we're smiling or frowning.

They're always there--
True friends are  as comfortable as a pair of
Cozy house slippers.

One of my dearest Friends
Through the seasons of life
My dear friend and I have
Laughed, hugged and prayed together.
This priceless treasure is now 96 years old.

And the "F" we all enjoy together--Food.
Recently we were surprised
by our #1 Treasures--Family.
Yes David and Beth grilled steaks and Son-in-law
Created the most wonderful Greek salad.

Truly an outpouring of LOVE!

That's what the 3 most important Treasures
Are all about aren't they?
Loving and enjoying life to the max.

And to live life to the max--
I walk and talk with my dearest Friend--
Jesus "...is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

How about you--
Who are your dearest Friends?
And what are your most valued Treasures?