Writers -- Professor John Fischle and Bobbe Brooks-Fischle

Apr 29, 2012

Books That Inspire

Writers write and
Writers inspire.

Down through the ages they've written,
Some in crude shacks on the Western frontier,
Others on a log in the woods and
Women have journaled as they crossed the
Western frontier in covered wagons.

Picking wild berries, rolling pie dough on the wagon seat
Baking their pies in a hole in the ground and
Journaling about their hardships, heartaches
And moments they communed with God.
They scribbled and
We read and are deeply inspired.
Today I sit in more peaceful surroundings looking out
At the majestic Rockies.

But the vital point is
Writers must write
Regardless of the setting and circumstances.
We must covey what we see through the lens of our world--
And thereby inspire others.

A number of my "Heartbeats" (grandchildren) are writers
Including twelve year old Maria.
She writes about horses, birds and most recently
A cheetah name Nelfa and an elephant named Flyer.

Beneath the story of Flyer she wrote:
"Never do something that you're not meant to do."
Maria, what an inspiring writer you are!

And that's a timely reminder
For us writers--
Do what you're meant to do
And it'll inspire others.

Making A Literary Life by Carolyn See
Is one of those books you read, and return to
Time and time again.
I have--
And each time it's a shot of encouragement
From a Writer who knows, understands and inspires.

This book was a recent gift from our Minister
And it's great, gripping and packed
With life changing truths.

Yes writers write
And writers inspire.
Most often and most deeply
Those who cut a vein
And let us peek into their world
Are the books we never forget.

Are you a writing--
Allowing us to peek into your world?
Just do it--
And you'll inspire too!