Writers -- Professor John Fischle and Bobbe Brooks-Fischle

Jan 21, 2018


Afraid? Who's afraid?

We have all heard that we can do anything we put our minds to, but is that really true?  I am here to say a resounding Y-E-S!  But, but, you don’t know me, you don’t know if I have the skills, you don’t know how afraid I am,” and to you I say, IT DOES NOT MATTER...YOU CAN SUCCEED!
           “Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.”
                                                                                                   --W. Clement Stone
I know a lady who was terrified of public speaking.  When asked to speak she would have panic attacks, her heart would race and she would begin to sweat and struggle to choke out the words.  She hated that she was so afraid to speak and envied people that she saw speaking with confidence.   She prayed repeatedly for God to help her become a public speaker, and guess what happened?  

No, she did not suddenly become a public speaker. However opportunities started appearing for her to speak publicly.  Each time she was asked to speak, she pushed through the fear, praying each time for God to help her, and He did just that.  The more she spoke in front of crowds, the easier it became, and soon the fear was miraculously replaced with confidence.     
 How did she conquer her fear of public speaking?  First, she asked God to help her every time she had to speak.  Second, she exerted mind over matter which defined “is the use of willpower to overcome physical problems.”  Third, she read articles on the topic to help get equipped, and last but certainly not least, she just did it. 

What do you want to achieve?  What fear is holding you back in life?  Pray, ask God to help you,
believe, prepare, and then go for it!  You will be amazed at what you can accomplish by partnering with God--get out of the comfort zone and go for it!

                              “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
                                                                                             Philippians 4:13

--by Beth Brandt