Writers -- Professor John Fischle and Bobbe Brooks-Fischle

Sep 30, 2014

How-To Find Life's Treasures

St. Louis Skyline
Recently Hubby and I were on a 
Whirlwind business trip.   
We returned home exhausted,
Stoked and inspired,      
Because along the way 
We found unexpected treasures.

No need to reveal what they were,
Because treasures for us may be different for you. :)

Other times we enjoy trekking remote areas
Where pioneers searched for
Gold, silver and precious ore.

With a sense of expectation,
A keen eye and some luck,
We might also find a rare and costly nugget
Or even better—
Interesting facts about those who trekked before us.

 While exploring the unfamiliar

Amidst stillness,
Quiet and
God's glorious nature—
We’re re-charged for life.

In those remote regions throbbing with adventure,
When it’s most needed,
The cell phone often blinks:
“Satellite lost."

 But with a sense of expectation,
And joy--
Anti-depressants aren't needed.

Beth climbing Mt. Audubon -13.233 ft - Indian Peaks Wilderness

Life can be an adventure
Whether on a business trip,
During a morning walk,
Special times with family and friends,
Or trekking high mountain trails
As daughter Beth - @bee_bethie and hubby David.

Week days Beth is a Financial Officer in a Trust Co.

Personally and professionally
We can set new goals,
Reach new heights and
Find life's Treasures in unexpected places--
Or my favorites--
Those invaluable moments
With Family and Friends.

May you have a joy-filled week and
Find many of life’s treasures along the way.