Tracking Treasures Thru Life

Writer - Bobbe Brooks

Sep 9, 2024

She Embraced Courage, Ignored Fear and Found Success

What are you afraid of? 
Is there anything holding you back?
What would you most like to do today, 
If you weren't afraid?
      “Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage 
            to make dreams into reality. “ 
                    --Dr. Jonas Salk

May I share a remarkable story of someone who pressed beyond fears to courage and then to amazing success?

It was a gorgeous day in the Rocky Mountains. We were driving up the scary road, high above all -- it was the highest paved road in North America. The sights were breath taking as we looked out over the majestic expanse. There were no guard rails on the narrow road, and we were above the trees with a perilous drop off.

Hubby and I were exhilarated with the view, but our passenger in the backseat was uncomfortable and unable to enjoy the ride. 
Who could blame her? That was one of the most dangerous roads I've ever traveled.
 Months later we traveled along another mountain road and Heather was with us that day. However, she was preoccupied with career challenges and along the way confided her dilemma.
"There's an opening in our firm for a much higher position, but I'm uncomfortable with the thought. It would necessitate stretching far beyond my abilities. Besides I've always wanted to work in the fashion industry. Since that's less challenging, I think I'll stay in my current position and design women's apparel."
 While considering a dynamite career change, the road ahead was riddled with uncertainties, scariness, the unknown. Yes, the same kind of fear-ridden thoughts Heather faced the day we traveled up the dangerous road months earlier.

That day while she faced fears about a  strange new path ahead, Heather decided she would much rather take the easier, familiar way and avoid the unknown.

Well, that was then, but this is today.
Less than ten years later, Heather is living a story many can only dream about.  Instead of sitting comfortably and sketching designs for the fashion industry, she accepted a challenging position into the unknown.

  Heather was offered an opportunity to study finance and graduated with honors at one of America’s finest universities. Excitedly she returned to the firm where she had been a receptionist, and with an impressive position--moved into a gorgeous new office with mountain views.

But that wasn't the end of Heather's courageous story. 
Sometime later the CEO tapped her for an even higher position. Yes, today Heather is a Vice President bubbling through each day with heavy-duty challenges, solutions and a life greater than she ever imagined.
She broadened her horizons not only at the firm, but out into the community serving--as president of a prestigious organization volunteering service for others.

Amidst a life greater than she ever dreamed of, Heather has a new mantra:  “God has blessed my socks off and I’m running around barefooted."
    Often hearing that comment, her Hubby had a jeweler create a special gift for his amazing wife. It's a delicate gold necklace with two bare feet that she wears with joy. 
    During our last trip to the mountains, guess who was driving up that precarious road without railings?
    Yes, Heather was relaxed at the wheel as she traversed the winding road high above the trees--the one that had frightened her years earlier.

    No longer afraid of heights, guess what her favorite hobby is now?
 Mountain climbing. Suited up in climbing gear, and boots, she grabs her trekking poles and hikes into the unknown--making new memories and climbing with her Hubby to daring heights.
    Instead of resisting challenges that were once frightening, Heather stands atop majestic peaks and looks over the great expanse. She can't believe the  twists and turns her life has taken--from paralyzing fears to paths of courage and success.

    May the road of life have surprises for you--as you push beyond fear and enter a bright future of joy and purpose--that may be just around the next curve.